October Home Care Marketing Ideas

Home Care Marketing Ideas for each month are presented here in our home care marketing store. We show you a sample leave-behind and products that might go with your flyer. All of these products are on Amazon. Shipment times may vary. Click on the IMAGE to be taken to the Amazon product.

For more information on how/why/when these ideas are best used, subscribe to our Continuum Sales Mastery Circle and Sales Support Form and get all of the details!
We give you all of the handouts for each product- 100% customizable.


National Case Management Week

Stress Stars Pack of 100 for .99
<strong>Stress Stars Pack of 100 for $3799<strong>

Bone and Joint Health – National Action Week

30Pcs Ballpoint Pen, Novelty Bone Shape Pens .95
30Pcs Ballpoint Pen Novelty Bone Shape Pens $1395
Bone Hair Clips 12 for $559
Mini Skeletons 16 for $959

Halloween Ideas

Disposable Gloves, Clear Vinyl Gloves Latex Free Powder-Free .49
Disposable Gloves Clear Vinyl Gloves Latex Free Powder Free $1049
4lb Assorted Candy